Gum disease affects approximately half of adults in the United States. Even when you regularly brush and floss your teeth, you can develop gingivitis and other periodontal issues. Visiting your dentist in Gahanna, OH, every six months can help to treat gum disease before it causes serious problems, but some people put this off for various reasons. You may want to get in for a checkup sooner rather than later, though.
Gum Disease Progresses The Longer You Wait
Periodontal disease is no small matter. You might think the only side effect is bleeding gums, but the buildup of plaque can also affect your bone and ligaments as well as deteriorate your gum line, leading to sensitive teeth. Left untreated, advanced gum disease could result in the permanent loss of teeth.
Treating Gum Disease
Gum disease treatment is pretty straightforward, and you may not even need some advanced treatments if you get in to see your dentist twice a year:
Schedule a Visit Today
Preventive maintenance is best when it comes to gum disease. Schedule your visit with Dr. Jon Runion or Dr. Jessica Runion by contacting the office at Beecher Crossing Dental Group in Gahanna, OH today.