October 10, 2017

Halloween is just around the corner with thoughts of pumpkins, costumes, and trick-or-treating. With these activities come the collection of candy that is just too tempting to stay away from. What happens when you can’t enjoy your favorite candy because it’s too painful to chew? This, and other symptoms, may be a sign you have jaw issues related to gum disease.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is also known as gingivitis. If the disease progresses to a more severe condition, it may become periodontitis. When the gums are inflamed and become sore or bleed regularly while flossing, this may be the first stage of gingivitis. This is a good sign that preventive steps should be taken to prevent any serious damage.

As the condition worsens, it becomes periodontitis. As the gums pull away from the teeth because of poor oral hygiene, pockets form and bacteria finds a place to live. As the bacteria and tartar find a way under the gum line and build up, the teeth become loose and may even fall out.

Preventing Gum Disease

Jaw pain is a common symptom of gum disease. Other symptoms include loose teeth; persistent bad breath; sensitive teeth; gums that are tender, red, or swollen; and pus around the gums and teeth.

Fortunately, treating the disease is easy with the help of a dentist, and you can quickly get back to enjoying your Halloween candy. While more serious cases should be treated by a professional, patients can use the following to decrease their risks:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and after every meal
  • Floss your teeth at least once per day to remove plaque and food particles that your toothbrush can’t reach
  • Use mouthwash after brushing and flossing to ensure there is no bacteria left in your mouth
  • Be aware of your risk factors which may include genetics, diet, smoking, and age

Call Us Today

You should also have regular check-ups by a professional to prevent gum disease. Contact Dr. Tokarczyk, dentist in Springfield, MO, who specializes in periodontics and is happy to discuss your condition and treatment options with you.



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